Friday, May 29, 2015

Top 11 Product Ideas of Mine That Nobody Liked

Top 11 Product Ideas of Mine That Nobody Liked But Me

I spend an indecent amount of time coming up with ideas for products and services, most of which are not received well by others.  I'm honestly not sure what the problem is, so I'll post them here.

11. Caleb Arms AR-16

The may variants of the AR-15 are the most popular rifle in America and are used for everything from hunting to police brutality. This is one better.

10. Dr. Caleb's General Purpose Orifice Wash

Douches, enemas, neti pots are all basically just sterile saline solution. There really isn't enough difference to justify having all those different products.

9. Caleb Co Bag Holders

They stand outside the bathrooms at places like airports and malls and just hold bags and stuff for customers while they pee. Setting your carry-on on the floor in an airport bathroom is one of the most repellent Ideas conceivable.

8. Dr. Caleb's Placeboost XR

Extended release version of my patented Placeboost sugar pills. For all-day placebo coverage.

7. Caleb Arms Open Carry Forehead Holster

It straps a gun to your forehead. For those people that insist on openly carrying a gun, but who don't want to look threatening to anyone.

6. CalebSoft OhNoCupid Dating Profile Scanner 

Scans the questions and personal essays on dating websites to weed out people who are openly racist, favor eugenics, read Ayn Rand, and other such things. Saves you some reading time.

5. Caleb  Co Cancer Chamber  

A highly advanced tanning booth, this one really fell apart at the marketing stage.

4. Caleb Arms Recoil Booster

Like a muzzle brake, but it increases a gun's recoil instead of decreasing it.  For masochists.

3. iPhone 6 Minus

Like the iPhone 6 plus is larger than the iPhone 6, this would be smaller than the iPhone 6.  They kept interrupting me with something about an iPhone 5.  I think they were just mad because I ran the presentation with the IR blaster on my android phone.

2. CalebSoft Pitbull Filter

Filters out web results that include the term "feat. Pitbull."

1. Caleb Co Vanity Consulting

A service that consults people on avoiding vain behaviors such as naming everything after themselves or having a blog that serves no purpose but personal ramblings.